Reaching for Control of the Computer
GamerGate came and went, but like the Tea Party before it or the shamans of the ’60s or the face-tattooed, train-hopping gutterpunks of the ’90s, nothing truly dies.
Which sucks. Because unlike all those other things, except for maybe the Tea Party, GamerGate isn’t happy to just find its little community and stay there, enjoying the strange fruits of its own rage but not inflicting it upon others. Which is to say GamerGaters and other aggressive anti-feminist, anti-liberal bottom feeding mouthbreathers still proliferate on the internet.
But the internet is anonymous and any one voice can be heard or transmitted with the same power of any other, more or less. So Brooklyn’s Caroline Sinders is out to change, if not the movement or its causes or the misery on which it feeds, at least the infrastructure and design of websites and platforms to minimize the bile that splashes up against the sides of the modern internet.