Libby Wadle
J.Crew Group today announced that Libby Wadle has been named its Chief Executive Officer, overseeing J.Crew and J.Crew Factory in addition to her current leadership responsibilities at Madewell. Jan Singer, who was previously J.Crew Group's Chief Executive Officer responsible for the J.Crew brands, has elected to pursue other endeavors.
"To be successful in today's retail environment, brands must have a strong sense of purpose, deep connection with their customers, and an organizational structure that rewards creativity, agility and innovation," said Wadle. "Moving forward as a company under unified leadership, we will harness the power of our collective platforms and talented teams to ensure our brands can continue to inspire and grow."
Wadle has more than 25 years of retail and apparel industry experience and has spent the last 16 years at J.Crew, where she has held senior management roles at each brand. Most recently, she served as President and then CEO of Madewell, where the brand has experienced significant, consistent growth under her leadership. Wadle has played an instrumental role in transforming the brand from a start-up division within the Company, to a high growth industry leader. Before that, she was President of the J.Crew brand, which included oversight of Madewell, from 2013 to 2017, the Executive Vice President of the J.Crew brand from 2011 to 2013, Executive Vice President-Retail and Factory from 2010 to 2011 and was Executive Vice President-Factory and Madewell from 2007 to 2010. She joined the Company in 2004 as Vice President, J.Crew Factory.
"Libby's connectivity to the J.Crew and Madewell brands, proven ability to build community both inside and outside the organization, and track record of delivering excellent operating and financial performance make her the ideal person to lead J.Crew Group," said Kevin Ulrich, Chairman of J.Crew's Board of Directors. "Importantly, we thank Jan for her dedication and contributions to J.Crew and her partnership in leading the Company through a challenging year in our industry. We wish her the best in her future endeavors."
About J.Crew Group
J.Crew Group is an internationally recognized omnichannel retailer of women's, men's, and children's apparel, shoes, and accessories. As of November 24, 2020, the Company operates 161 J.Crew retail stores, 144 Madewell stores, and 168 J.Crew Factory stores in nearly every state in the United States, and also maintains J.Crew, Madewell, and J.Crew Factory websites. For more information visit jcrew.com, madewell.com and jcrewfactory.com.