Arena Investors Closes $519M Partners Fund I


Arena Investors, LP, an institutional asset manager, today announced the final close of Arena Special Opportunities Partners I, LP and Arena Special Opportunities Partners (Cayman) I, LP with total committed capital of $519 million. The close exceeds the $300 million target that was set for the fund, which was launched in March.

Arena's latest Fund invests in asset-backed, credit-oriented investments presented by the economic disruption and market dislocations from the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund has a flexible, global mandate with a majority of investors based in North America and Australia.

"With an investment strategy grounded in our 20 plus years of experience investing globally across divergent economic downturns, Arena is well-positioned to find value in all economic environments, especially today's," said Dan Zwirn, Arena Investors Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer. "The COVID-19 pandemic has caused newfound disruption to both society and the global economy and moved trends we were already seeing forward by five to ten years, especially in the industries that have been most heavily impacted. While much has changed, our flexible approach has allowed us to adjust quickly and continually identify attractive opportunities to deliver value to our investors."

Arena's flexible and bespoke special-situations approach has enabled the firm to provide investors with access to a global diverse investment set across market cycles, inclusive of COVID-19 affected assets to enhance value for all stakeholders.

About Arena Investors

Arena Investors is an institutional asset manager, founded in partnership with The Westaim Corporation (TSXV: WED). With $1.7 billion of committed assets under management as of October 1, 2020, and a team of over 60 employees in offices globally, Arena provides creative solutions for those seeking capital in special situations. The firm brings individuals with decades of experience, a track record of comfort with complexity, the ability to deliver within time constraints, and the flexibility to engage in transactions that cannot be addressed by banks and other conventional financial institutions. Arena Investors works to enable individuals, corporations, and asset owners to achieve their goals. Arena Investors' mandate is global, and also unconstrained in terms of asset class and industry.

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