Andrew Peck
DLA Piper is pleased to announce that former United States Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Peck, a senior counsel at the firm, has been appointed by The Sedona Conference as a Judicial Emeritus member of the Steering Committee of Working Group 1 (WG1), effective January 2021. Judge Peck was the first retired member of the judiciary to serve on the Steering Committee of WG1 (a three-year term from 2018 through 2020) and the first Judicial Emeritus member of the Steering Committee.
The Sedona Conference Working Group Series was established to pursue in-depth study of tipping point issues in the areas of antitrust law, complex litigation, intellectual property rights, and data security and privacy law, with the goal of producing high-quality, nonpartisan commentary and guidance of immediate, practical benefit to the bench and bar. The mission of Working Group 1 is to develop principles, guidance and best practice recommendations for information governance and electronic discovery in the context of litigation, dispute resolution and investigations.
Judge Peck served for 23 years as a United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of New York, including a term as Chief Magistrate Judge from 2004 to 2005. Since joining DLA Piper in April 2018, Judge Peck has advised on innovative and efficient solutions to the challenges of information management, both within and outside the litigation context, and maintains a substantive practice in intellectual property litigation.